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Suicide - Start a conversation

24th August 2021

'Stay Alive' is an amazing app with support for anybody experiencing thoughts of suicide, and offers guidance to anybody finding themselves in a position to help someone they have concerns about.  Much of what I write here is taken from the pages of the app.

If you have concerns that someone you know may be contemplating suicide, trust your gut instincts on this.  It's important to be honest with them and share that you're worried in this way.  Be specific about what it is you have noticed; perhaps something the other person said humorously but which felt very serious.  Look at the 'Potential Warning Signs' listed on the app.

Once you have been able to initiate a conversation, sensitively ask the person, with a direct question "have you been thinking of suicide?"  Encourage them to talk about the way things are for them.  "I'd like to hear about it if you feel able to talk - this is important and I've got time to be with you"

Listening is far more powerful than trying to fix or solve the other person's situation for them. Avoid offering suggestions, or trying to persuade the other person of reasons to live.  No need to find words to 'make them feel better', just listen and respect how they feel and are thinking, no matter how hard it might be for you to understand.

Thank the person for opening up to you and helping you to understand how things are for them currently.

You alone will not be able to support this person, so help them to find help.  Ask them to think who there is that can support them. Your aim is to make them feel 'safe enough' that for now, they won't cause themselves any harm.  You can ask if they have 'made a plan' and offer to remove any means needed to carry this through.  

Ask who there is in the family that can come and be with them.  Ask how they feel about letting their GP know. Keep them talking by asking open questions - this will bring them some relief.

Let them know about the Stay Alive app, and how it can connect them to many additional sources of help.  Also give them the phone number for the Samaritans (116 123) a 24/7 free listener helpline.

If you are carrying this worry over the state of somebody's else's mental health,  you will also need to look after yourself.

If you or someone you know would like my support in the form of counselling, I'm here for you.  Please get in touch.

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